AGM and talk from Possible’s Director of Campaigns

We look forward to welcoming you to LCON’s meeting on the evening of Wednesday 5 July 2023 (19.00 – 20.45). As well as holding our formal Annual General Meeting, we will be introducing our proposed new project, the Oxford Car-Free Challenge. Come and hear from national climate charity Possible’s Director of Campaigns Hirra Khan Adeogun about how previous versions of this project worked. Taking a three-week break from their cars helped participants to see how they could move towards more active travel. We’d like to bring this successful approach to Oxford, and we need your support! Please come to the Jericho Community Centre and find out more about this exciting new initiative.

18.45 Doors open; registration

19.15 Annual General Meeting – the formal AGM business. Everyone is welcome; members can vote. Please see information and links to documents below.

19.45 The Oxford Car-Free Challenge: Carey Newson, LCON trustee, and Hirra Khan Adeogun, Director of Campaigns, Possible

20.15 Refreshments and informal discussions

20.45 Close

Annual General Meeting

Jericho Community Centre, Canal Street, Oxford OX2 6BQ

This is the formal notice of LCON’s Annual General Meeting. All LCON supporters are very welcome to attend the whole evening, but voting at the AGM is limited to LCON members. You can check whether you are a member by following the ‘Update my preferences’ link at the bottom of any of our mailings. If you don’t get mailings from us, sign up here!

The AGM agenda and papers can be found below. We can send a paper copy of the annual report and accounts to anyone who would like one (email us to request this).

Agenda for LCON AGM 2023

Draft minutes of the 2022 AGM

LCON trustees report and annual accounts 2022

Proxy form for members who cannot attend

If any members cannot attend the AGM, they can appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy can be any member, including the chair. It helps us a lot if you do this, so if you can’t attend, please download and fill in the proxy form, and return it to Rebecca Nestor by 4 July. 

We will be delighted to welcome our new trustee Alun Evans to the AGM. He will be standing formally for election at the meeting. We still have vacancies for new trustees, so if you are interested, please get in touch to find out more or visit the post on our website. The AGM is not the only opportunity to join the board, as we can co-opt trustees at any time during the year. You don’t need specialist knowledge, though this is always welcome: we want people who live in our community and care about climate change. To find out what is involved and have an informal chat, please contact our chair Rebecca Nestor, or feel free to raise this in the informal discussion on the evening of the AGM. 

Support the Oxford Car-Free Challenge: taking a break from our cars

***UPDATE OCTOBER 2023: We are pleased to announce that we have reached our original fundraising target.  A big thank you to everyone who has contributed. We welcome further donations; any additional funds raised will allow us to extend the scope of project. ***

We are seeking to raise £20,000 to enable a new project, the Oxford Car-Free Challenge, to be developed in partnership with the national climate action group Possible and the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation (CAST) at Cardiff University. The Oxford Car-Free Challenge will support individuals to try taking a break from their cars for a few weeks – and to use this experience to consider a longer-term move towards more active travel (by which we mean walking, cycling and using public transport).

What’s involved and how the project will benefit active travel in Oxford

The project will involve recruiting twelve volunteer regular car users and supporting them in taking a break from using their cars for three weeks. These individuals will  then act as exemplars or mentors to encourage others to take similar steps.

It can feel quite a challenge to reduce our car use, and we want to help people enjoy the experience. We think this project is useful because it will make a practical contribution to helping people make changes in their own lives. We’d like to help create a city where people can enjoy being out and about, and get to where they need to be, without always having to bother with the car. The volume of cars in our streets right now not only creates pollution and poor air quality and makes it difficult and unsafe to move around, but also puts us all at risk from the CO2 emissions created by so many private vehicles.  Measures to encourage active travel in the city have won majority support from residents, but have also generated fractious debate and misunderstandings. Residents with high car use are naturally concerned about the impact of changes on their everyday lives, even if they agree on the need for them. This project will help people identify realistic alternatives in a way that is sympathetic, supportive and positive.
The project builds on a successful initiative run by Possible in other UK cities in 2022. Most participants in that initiative found going car-free reduced their weekly travel costs, as well as their carbon emissions. There were other unexpected benefits for participants, such as being able to engage in more relaxed and enjoyable travel with family members. Our project in Oxford will support sustainable travel and reduce car dependency in Oxford – increasingly an issue for many residents in and outside Oxford as we prepare for the introduction of ambitious traffic reduction measures.  Further details on the LCON project can be found here, and you can also read the presentation at our AGM in July 2023 by Hirra Khan Adeogun of Possible.

How you can support the project

Possible has already raised part of the funding for the project, and we are now asking our members and supporters to help to fund the remainder.  LCON needs to raise £20,000. Donations from trustees and a commitment from our own reserves have raised £5,500, and generous supporters to date have increased this total to £8,260. Can you help us get to the target? Visit our Donate page for details of how to make a contribution.

Come to one of our warm and friendly Climate Cafes

Are you feeling concerned, anxious or overwhelmed by the climate crisis? Climate Cafés provide a supportive space in which to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting us – without pressure to act. They take place monthly, alternating between Saturdays at The North Wall Arts Centre, and Sundays at Common Ground Workspace

Everyone is welcome – we hope to see you there!

More details and dates on our Climate Cafe web page.

To receive our monthly newsletters with news and updates on our climate cafes and other events and activities, click here.

Freelance role: Housewarming co-ordinator

Freelance role: Housewarming co-ordinator

An opportunity to help an active low-carbon group take a successful project to the next stage

Low Carbon Oxford North are looking for a talented freelance community/events organiser to help us take Housewarming to the next level.  Housewarming aims to help homeowners prepare their homes to cut down energy use and phase out fossil fuels. It works through six informative Guides, written especially for Housewarming by an expert in low-energy homes. We also enable people to share experiences through a WhatsApp group and monthly support meetings, which we call Housewarmings.

The opportunity is available from the end of January to 30 September 2023 in the first instance. Working as an independent contractor for up to a day a week, the organiser will focus on supporting the Housewarming programme and expanding its reach significantly.

Please read the further details and information on how to apply. The closing date for applications is 30 December 2022 and we expect to hold interviews in the w/c 16 January 2023.

Public meeting and AGM, 19 July 2022

Public meeting and AGM, 19 July 2022

We look forward to welcoming you to LCON’s public meeting on the evening of 19 July (19.30 – 21.00). As well as holding our formal Annual General Meeting, we will be launching the full suite of Housewarming guides and setting out our plans for Housewarming from September onwards. The meeting is also a chance to express your views and concerns, to tell us how you think we can be as effective as possible, and to explore how you can get involved. Whatever your skills and interests, please come along and take part.

We are holding the meeting via Zoom: click here to register for the link.

Programme for the evening

19.30 Start and registration

19.40 Annual General Meeting – the formal AGM business. Everyone is welcome; members can vote. Please see information and links to documents below.

20.10 Housewarming: Short presentation and discussion

20.30 How to get involved in LCON’s work: small-group activity with trustees

21.00 Close

Annual General Meeting

This is the formal notice of LCON’s Annual General Meeting. Everyone is very welcome to attend the whole evening, but voting at the AGM is limited to LCON members. You can check this by following the ‘Update my preferences’ link at the bottom of any of our mailings. If you don’t get mailings from us, sign up here!

The AGM agenda and papers can be found below. The agenda includes links to the documents, including the annual report and accounts (combined in one document), and a proxy form for anyone who cannot attend. We can send a paper copy of the annual report and accounts to anyone who would like one (email us to request this).

Agenda for LCON AGM 2022

LCON trustees report and annual accounts 2021

Proxy form for members who cannot attend

If any members cannot attend the AGM, they can appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. This could be any member, including the chair. It helps us a lot if you do this, so if you can’t attend, please download and fill in the proxy form, and return it to Rebecca Nestor by 18 July. 

We still have vacancies for new trustees, so if you are interested, please get in touch to find out more. The AGM is not the only opportunity to join the board, as we can co-opt trustees at any time during the year. We are particularly hoping to broaden the diversity of the board and we especially encourage people of colour, younger people and men to consider the role. You don’t need specialist knowledge, though this is always welcome: we want people who live in our community and care about climate change. To find out what is involved and have an informal chat, please contact our chair Rebecca Nestor, or feel free to raise this in the small-group activity on the evening of the AGM. 

We’re recruiting!

We’re recruiting!

We are looking for a talented freelance community organiser to step in and provide additional support for about 2-3 hours a week during a temporary increase in other commitments that is affecting our existing co-ordinator’s availability.  The opportunity is available until April 2022 in the first instance, and more hours may be available during this period depending on the availability of funding.
Working as an independent contractor accountable to the trustee board through the chair, the organiser will focus on engaging our members and supporters. We want you to bring your own ideas to this work as well as contributing to maintaining our social media presence, keeping our website up to date, and organising and managing our public events. The aim of the work will be to achieve public engagement on a range of activities to reduce carbon emissions in North Oxford – including an ambitious home energy project and a series of investigations of how to improve active travel in our area.
To find out more, please contact Rebecca Nestor on or download further details here. The closing date for applications is 24 December 2021 and interviews will be held in the week commencing 10 January 2022.

Respond to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 and Ox-Cam Arc consultation

Respond to the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 and Ox-Cam Arc consultation

Two important consultations are taking place right now that will significantly affect Oxfordshire’s ability to respond to the climate crisis. It is important that as many people as possible respond to the consultations and put the case for climate.

The first, for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, closes on Friday 8 October 2021. We are pleased to support the consultation responses by Oxford Friends of the Earth and the Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel. You can use their responses to inform your own and we urge you to do so.

The second, for the Ox-Cam Arc, closes on Tuesday 12 October 2021. Friends of the Earth have suggestions on how to respond to this too (it’s the same page as for the Oxfordshire Plan, scroll down to the bottom).

What can north Oxford do about the climate crisis? Discussion and AGM, 28 September 2021

What can north Oxford do about the climate crisis? Discussion and AGM, 28 September 2021

Come and help us plan the coming year

We look forward to welcoming you to LCON’s public meeting on the evening of 28 September (18.45 – 21.00). As well as holding our formal Annual General Meeting, we want to talk with you about our priorities for the coming twelve months. It’s a chance to express your views on how you think we can be as effective as possible, and to explore how you can get involved. With the climate crisis intensifying, the stakes couldn’t be higher: everyone is needed. Whatever your skills and interests, whether you’ve got a lot of time to offer or hardly any, please come along and take part.

We will be meeting in person at the Woodstock Road Baptist Church (corner of Woodstock and Beechcroft Roads). You can also join via Zoom if you prefer. It will help us to plan the evening if you book via Eventbrite: you will be asked to choose Zoom or in-person. All those who book via Eventbrite will receive the Zoom link.

Doors will open at 18.45 for hot drinks and biscuits, and a prompt 19.00 start for the AGM. We will continue at about 19.30 with a presentation of our plans for the coming year and small-group discussions about how we can make our plans as successful as possible and how you can get involved. The meeting will end at 21.00. We are not providing food this year but there will be unlimited hot water and plenty of biscuits!

Everyone concerned about climate change is welcome to the whole evening, but at the AGM only LCON members can vote.

Annual General Meeting

This is the formal notice of LCON’s Annual General Meeting. Everyone is very welcome to attend the whole evening, but voting at the AGM is limited to LCON members. 

The AGM agenda and papers can be found above or at this link. The agenda includes links to the documents, including the annual report and accounts (combined in one document). There will be limited copies of the report and accounts at the meeting, and we can send a copy to anyone who would like one (email us to request this).

This year we have a special resolution involving a constitutional change. This is in response to changes in the City Council ward boundaries, which affect the definition of our area.

If any members cannot attend the AGM, they can appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy can be any member, including the chair. If you wish to do this, please fill in the proxy form and return it to Rebecca Nestor by 7pm on 26 September. 

Interested in becoming a trustee?

We still have a few vacancies for new trustees, so if you are interested, please get in touch to find out more. The AGM is not the only opportunity to join the board, as we can co-opt trustees at any time during the year. We are particularly hoping to broaden the diversity of the board and especially encourage people of colour, younger people and men to consider the role. You don’t need specialist knowledge, though this is always welcome: we want people who live in our community and care about climate change. To find out what is involved and for an informal chat, please contact our chair Rebecca Nestor (, or feel free to approach any of the trustees on the evening of the AGM. 


To be held on Tuesday 15 September 2020 – online

To join by Zoom for the panel discussion and AGM only, please see the recent email to members with the Zoom link, or email us to request the Zoom link. To attend the whole event, including the film, panel discussion and AGM, please book via Eventbrite. If you are an LCON member but cannot attend, please complete the proxy form.

Programme for the evening:

19.00-20.30 Public meeting with guest speakers and discussion. The film 2040 will be screened in advance and form the basis of the discussion.

20.30 Annual General Meeting – all welcome, members can vote. Please see agenda below.

21.00 Close

Full details of the whole evening, including the film, and how to register are on Eventbrite here.


  1. Attendance and apologies
  2. Approval of minutes from AGM 3 July 2019
  3. Trustees’ Report

A report on our activities will be presented by the trustees and there will an opportunity for questions. The meeting will be invited to accept the report. The trustees’ report and the accounts (combined) can be viewed here, and a summary will be available on screen at the meeting.

4. Financial Report

The Treasurer will present the accounts for 2019 and take questions. As above, the document can be seen here, and a summary will be on screen at the meeting. The meeting will be invited to accept the accounts.

5. Preparation of statutory accounts for 2020

The trustees propose, as last year, the appointment of Tom Futter as an independent person to prepare the statutory accounts for 2020, without an audit or Independent Examination. (Under charity and company regulations, LCON would be required to arrange an audit if its income was above £1m or if 10% of the members wanted one. The threshold for an Independent Examination is an income of £25,000.)

6. Retirement and Election of Trustees

LCON’s Board can have a maximum of 10 trustees: up to 7 elected by the members and 3 appointed by the board. Our Articles require one third of the elected trustees to retire each year by rotation. There are currently 4 elected trustees. We have determined that Tina Leonard is due to retire by rotation. Tina is willing to be re-elected. 

Carey Newson was co-opted onto the board during the year and is willing to be put forward for election. 

Nominations have been sought to fill vacancies. The trustees are also able to recruit another 2 trustees by appointment and have authority to co-opt trustees between AGMs.

7. Any other business

8. Close of meeting: 21.00

Oxford 2040: free film screening, panel discussion and LCON Annual General Meeting

The Covid-19 crisis has led to much reflection on what we value and has given us a unique opportunity to ‘build back better’. Can changes in the food we eat, the energy we use, the way we travel and the way we save and spend money, help in addressing Oxford’s deep inequalities while steering us towards a low carbon future? 

Continue reading