To be held on Tuesday 15 September 2020 – online
To join by Zoom for the panel discussion and AGM only, please see the recent email to members with the Zoom link, or email us to request the Zoom link. To attend the whole event, including the film, panel discussion and AGM, please book via Eventbrite. If you are an LCON member but cannot attend, please complete the proxy form.
Programme for the evening:
19.00-20.30 Public meeting with guest speakers and discussion. The film 2040 will be screened in advance and form the basis of the discussion.
20.30 Annual General Meeting – all welcome, members can vote. Please see agenda below.
21.00 Close
Full details of the whole evening, including the film, and how to register are on Eventbrite here.
- Attendance and apologies
- Approval of minutes from AGM 3 July 2019
- Trustees’ Report
A report on our activities will be presented by the trustees and there will an opportunity for questions. The meeting will be invited to accept the report. The trustees’ report and the accounts (combined) can be viewed here, and a summary will be available on screen at the meeting.
4. Financial Report
The Treasurer will present the accounts for 2019 and take questions. As above, the document can be seen here, and a summary will be on screen at the meeting. The meeting will be invited to accept the accounts.
5. Preparation of statutory accounts for 2020
The trustees propose, as last year, the appointment of Tom Futter as an independent person to prepare the statutory accounts for 2020, without an audit or Independent Examination. (Under charity and company regulations, LCON would be required to arrange an audit if its income was above £1m or if 10% of the members wanted one. The threshold for an Independent Examination is an income of £25,000.)
6. Retirement and Election of Trustees
LCON’s Board can have a maximum of 10 trustees: up to 7 elected by the members and 3 appointed by the board. Our Articles require one third of the elected trustees to retire each year by rotation. There are currently 4 elected trustees. We have determined that Tina Leonard is due to retire by rotation. Tina is willing to be re-elected.
Carey Newson was co-opted onto the board during the year and is willing to be put forward for election.
Nominations have been sought to fill vacancies. The trustees are also able to recruit another 2 trustees by appointment and have authority to co-opt trustees between AGMs.
7. Any other business
8. Close of meeting: 21.00
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