Part of LCON’s work is through partnerships and influencing. This becomes all the more important as we move from individual to societal change.
Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel
With others, LCON set up the Oxfordshire Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT), an informal group of 10 voluntary organisations. CoHSAT strives for efficient, active, low carbon and sustainable travel across Oxfordshire. It aims to encourage:
- healthy and thriving communities
- through reduced traffic, air pollution and noise,
- to create attractive, accessible and people-friendly streets.
You can find out more about CoHSAT’s work here.
Oxfordshire for Buses
In 2023 we are beginning work on a new group, Oxfordshire for Buses. You can contact Oxfordshire for Buses by email here.
CAG – Oxfordshire Community Action Groups
Community Action Groups (CAG) Oxfordshire consists of over 80 groups across Oxfordshire who are at the forefront of community-led climate change action, organising events and projects to take action on issues including waste, transport, food, energy, biodiversity and social justice. Find out more here.
FairPlay and Climate Justice
LCON is a member of FairPlay, a network also based in North Oxford. FairPlay brings together voluntary organisations working on a range of social justice issues. More information here.
Planning and development
We keep an eye on planning issues relevant to our aims, such as the ‘Oxford North’ major development by the Wolvercote roundabout and the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway. Read our response to the Oxford North proposal here.
Check our Facebook and Twitter pages for news.
Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford
In early 2020, after the City Council’s Citizens’ Assembly on climate change, LCON got together with other environmental groups and the local authorities to explore how we can ramp up collective action on climate change across Oxford and hold decision-makers to their commitments. Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford arose from this initiative and as of 2022 CZC is working across Oxford on a significant home energy project, Energy Saving Homes.
Oxford Together on Climate Change
LCON got together with seven partner organisations to set up Oxford Together on Climate Change, an initiative which aims to encourage individuals to take action on climate change in their everyday lives. The website includes a range of ideas for taking action across five areas – food, energy, travel, plastics and money. Find out how you can take action here.