Spring workshops from Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford

We’re excited to announce a series of online workshops, in collaboration with other community and environmental groups across Oxford – “Communities for Zero Carbon Oxford”. The workshops are all designed to help us as individuals and communities take action to combat the climate crisis. Topics include tree care, waste, food and home energy/ retrofit, details below:

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Oxford 2040: free film screening, panel discussion and LCON Annual General Meeting

The Covid-19 crisis has led to much reflection on what we value and has given us a unique opportunity to ‘build back better’. Can changes in the food we eat, the energy we use, the way we travel and the way we save and spend money, help in addressing Oxford’s deep inequalities while steering us towards a low carbon future? 

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Webinar 23 July: How to stop funding fossil fuels?

Forest fires, floods, hurricanes – extreme climate events are taking their toll around the world. To avert a growing climate crisis, we know that the vast majority of fossil fuel reserves need to stay in the ground.

If “money is the oxygen on which the climate crisis burns”, how do we stop funding fossil fuels?

We are delighted to welcome Ben Caldecott, Director of the Oxford Sustainable Finance Programme and leading expert in Sustainable Finance, together with student campaigner Anna Olerinyova, for a webinar on fossil fuel divestment, on 23 July 7.30-9pm. Ben and Anna will discuss the fossil fuel industry’s central role in the climate crisis, what can be done to stop funding it, and how we can all play our part.

The event is open to all. Find out more and register through eventbrite.

Climate Conversations: talking with friends and family about the climate crisis

Our Climate Conversations workshops are for anyone worried about the climate crisis who wants to build their confidence having difficult conversations about climate with friends and family. The workshops are based on materials created by Rosemary Randall, long-standing expert on climate psychology, and by Climate Outreach. They are led by Rebecca Nestor, LCON trustee.

Our upcoming workshops will be run in two parts on consecutive days and will be online through Zoom. You can find out more and sign up here:

Want to talk about Climate Change? Join one of our friendly Climate Cafes

Our Climate Cafes run monthly. Details are on our Meetup page. Climate Cafes provide a supportive space in which to talk about how the climate crisis is affecting us – without pressure to act. The cafes are facilitated by Rebecca Nestor. 

During the Coronavirus outbreak our Climate Cafes are taking place via online platform Zoom. Please see the Meetup page for further details, including future dates.

We think our Climate Cafes offer something different from the usual gatherings of people with interests in climate change. They are facilitated – so you can be sure that there will be space for you to speak. They are not designed to recruit you to do anything or to put you under any pressure. The idea behind them is that talking about climate change is really important – but it is often made more difficult by our feelings of guilt that we are not doing enough, or frustration that others are not doing enough. So we provide a space in which we don’t talk about what we or others are doing or should be doing. We just talk about climate change and how it is making us think and feel. Everyone is welcome.

Cancelled due to Coronavirus: Help care for our new trees

Join us on Saturday 4 April from 10am for a ‘mulching morning’ in Cutteslowe Park. All welcome!

  • 10am – 2pm, drop in when you can
  • Hot drinks and cake provided
  • Overseen by Oxford Direct Services
  • Kit provided (please bring a spade if you can)
  • This event is part of Oxfordshire Trees for the Future (oxtrees.uk)

Find out more and register on Eventbrite.

Find us at the entrance to the community woodland (signposted from the pond, or ask at the Cafe):

Please ensure all children are accompanied by a responsible adult. LCON is unable to take responsibility for unaccompanied children.

500 new trees planted in North Oxford!

Over 100 people joined us on a bright and frosty Saturday morning to plant more trees in North Oxford, as part of National Tree Week. As one of them said – “What a great way to start the day”! Thank you to everyone who came, to Oxford Direct Services who organised the trees and oversaw the event, and to International Tree Foundation, who funded the trees.

Michael Woods from Oxford Direct Services’ Parks Team was up early to prepare the site at Sunnymead Park, and the first volunteers arrived shortly before 10. Soon the park was busy with people of all ages and, under Michael’s expert supervision, 500 trees were planted in record time.

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