1. The climate emergency should be an explicit and integral consideration in all local authority decision making.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Climate-conscious actions by the Council can have a not inconsiderable impact, particularly their ability to lobby the most significant polluters. However, I personally would prefer to consider “environmental sustainability” rather than “the climate emergency” as there are environmentally damaging ways to reduce greenhouse gases.
2. I support the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
The goals laid out in the bill’s Executive Summary are laudable. I have issues with some specific details in the bill, but determining the balance of responsibility for major societal change is precisely the sort of discussion that the democratic process is for.
3. Motorised traffic in and through Oxford should be reduced 50% below present levels by 2030, to limit air pollution and increase space for cyclists and pedestrians.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree
As a pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist, a quiet road is a good road. However, we must make it as easy as possible for people to make the right choice by installing cheap, effective public transport options before banning anything. And, should we get to fines, they should be proportionate.
4. Development decisions (planning and housing) should design out car-dependency and facilitate the creation of 15 minute neighbourhoods, where residents can access all daily goods and services within a 15 minute walk.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
While I strongly agree that new developments should ensure residents can live without a car, we must remember some individuals need a car so the details are important. Interested in more details on 15-min neighbourhoods as the idea is cool but the time seems a tad short.
5. All new homes built in Oxfordshire should be built to zero carbon standards.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree
Of course. Anything less lets developers pocket profits that homeowners will have to pay later for retrofitting.
6. Local authorities should introduce policies and measures to enable all homes in Oxford and Oxfordshire to achieve an EPC rating of C or higher by 2035.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree
Energy efficient homes are important, but successive governments have been harping on about them for decades without much progress. I’d prefer to target the big polluters. However, any retrofitting scheme should to minimise costs to individuals and maximise sustainability, not just tick a box.
7. Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council should introduce policies that support the installation of renewable energy sources.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree
Renewable energy sources that produce much more energy over their working lifespan than went into creating the equipment are a fantastic investment. We also need set aside funding for maintenance and repair.
8. Local authorities should use every available mechanism (including the planning system, grants and others), and support and enable innovation, to phase out fossil fuel use across Oxford, including domestic, business and industrial use as well as use in their own buildings and operations.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree
If you’re going to call this a “climate crisis”, you should be using every mechanism at your disposal to deal with it.
9. The creation, protection and restoration of biodiversity and green spaces for all should be a priority for local authorities including the development of a Nature Recovery Network.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Strongly agree with everything up to “including” – a healthy biome benefits health, climate, the environment, and more. Not sure what is meant by “Nature Recovery Network” and so make not comment. I typically agree with BBOWT’s proposals on the rejuvenation of biodiversity.
10. As Oxfordshire County Council candidate, I support the doubling of tree cover in Oxfordshire by 2045; AND/OR: As Oxford City Council candidate, I support Oxford making a significant contribution to doubling tree cover in Oxfordshire by 2045.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Neither agree or disagree
I support the increase of healthy, wild land of all sorts in Oxfordshire. While I have no problem with planting more trees per se, I find it provides politicians with an easy way of appearing to help the environment without doing much else.
11. Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council should introduce policies that support the development of a food system which promotes local production and use of agro-ecological methods (ie sustainable farming methods that work with nature).
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
Yes, but that must go hand-in-hand with public education in and subsidy of more sustainable lifestyles. Local production is only helpful if consumers want the sorts of foods that can be sustainably grown in Oxfordshire.
12. Finally, in 100 words or less, please describe what you plan to contribute to ensuring a green and just recovery in Oxford/ Oxfordshire.
Povey, Adam – Liberal Democrat
I will continue to work as an environmental scientist, monitoring the changes in our climate and striving to more thoroughly understand what influences it. I will continue to campaign for governments of all levels to hold the powerful accountable for their actions and empower individuals to make sustainable, environmentally friendly choices in their lives. Leaving decisions with global implications in the hands of a select few is what got us in this mess in the first place.