If you, like us, are worried about the quality of the air you and your family are breathing, the inadequacy of local public transport, and the safety of your active travel, whether on foot or by bike, then please join us to ACT.
Getting healthier streets and attractive urban areas depends on all of us letting our politicians and decision-makers know that it is important to us.
With other partner organisations, LCON have set up the Oxfordshire Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (CoHSAT) , a group of voluntary and campaigning organisations, striving for efficient, active, low carbon and sustainable travel across Oxfordshire. CoHSAT aims to to encourage healthy and thriving communities through reduced traffic, air pollution and noise, to create attractive, accessible and people-friendly streets, where everybody can enjoy spending time. You can find out more about CoHSAT’s work here.
There is a long history of action and debate on transport, air pollution and active travel in Oxford and the county. This page links to some of the key organisations and background documents. Follow and / or join these organisations to keep up to date with activities and events.
Air Pollution
There are several groups campaigning on clean air across Oxfordshire. Oxford Friends of the Earth is promoting the Oxfordshire Clean Air Charter and has set up the Oxfordshire Schools Clean Air Network (OxSCAN). The Oxfordshire Clean Air Action Network is a good way to stay in touch with local action.
Cyclox aims ‘to get more people cycling, more often, and more safely’. It organises a wide range of activities including speaker events and rides.
Safe Cycling
Many people are unhappy to cycle in Oxford and across the county due to cocnerns about safety. After another cyclist’s death in 2017, a group of organisations launched the ‘Claudia Charter’ – for Safer Cycling in Oxford.
Oxford Pedestrians Association promote better conditions for those walking in the city.
Liveable Streets
Oxfordshire Livable Streets is an organisation working to promote a safe and liveable streetscape and travel environment in Oxfordshire and to develop and see the realisation of a blueprint for a better transport environment in Oxfordshire.
Important reports
Running out of Road: Investing in cycling in Cambridge, Milton Keynes and Oxford.
This 2018 report by former London cycling commissioner Andrew Gilligan was commissioned by the National Infrastructure Commission. It highlights the need to increase the number of journeys that are made by bike by improve cycling infrastructure and makes a number of recommendations for improving provision for cyclists in Cambridge, Oxford and Milton Keynes. The full report is here.
Oxford City Centre Movement and Public Realm Strategy
The City and County Councils commissioned a report, also published in 2018, on ideas to tackle congestion in Oxford, which is projected to get worse unless action is taken.
The options focus on improving bus services, extending dedicated cycle-paths and increasing pavement space for everyone who lives, works and visits Oxford.
Council policies and publications
Oxfordshire County Council is the home of the Highways Authority, who take all the transport-related decisions in the whole County, including the City of Oxford. You can find out about the council’s current Local Transport Plan and plans for its new Local Transport and Connectivity Plan on its website.
Oxford City Council have fewer responsibilities on travel than the County – see here for their strategy. They do a lot of work on Air Quality.
OXLEP – Oxfordshire Local Economic Partnership. The Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy (OxIS) is an Oxfordshire Growth Board-commissioned project involving the county’s six local authorities and OxLEP and makes a number of transport recommendations