Responses for the Division of St Margaret’s

1. The climate emergency should be an explicit and integral consideration in all local authority decision making.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Climate breakdown is the most pressing challenge facing humanity and local authorities have an important role to play.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Because of the seriousness of the situation

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

We face an emergency and it should be built into all policies, of governments, firms and individuals

2. I support the Climate and Ecological Emergency (CEE) Bill

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Neither agree or disagree

Agree points one and two but have a different view of democracy and balance between who decides policy between different types of bodies

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

We need urgent action now

3. Motorised traffic in and through Oxford should be reduced 50% below present levels by 2030, to limit air pollution and increase space for cyclists and pedestrians.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Increasingly we see that successful towns and cities around the world are pushing policies that give the streets back to people. Oxford can, and should, copy those places that prioritise walking and cycling. We have a relatively compact and flat city and can make this change quickly.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat


With Labour having approved Oxford north development and Osney Mead and Oxpens in the pipeline plus University developments this may be difficult to achieve.

Hull, Mark – Labour


Much better bus services and cycleways are essential; only the Labour Party will really fight for this. Motorised vehicles can become electric-powered.

4. Development decisions (planning and housing) should design out car-dependency and facilitate the creation of 15 minute neighbourhoods, where residents can access all daily goods and services within a 15 minute walk.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

The idea of the 15 minute city is exciting and persuasive. We should study the places where 15 minute plans are being implemented and copy the successful ideas in our city.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Works well in Jericho and Summertown

Hull, Mark – Labour


You cannot get everything you need within 15 minutes; Sometimes longer shopping trips are warranted

5. All new homes built in Oxfordshire should be built to zero carbon standards.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Zero carbon homes are now no more difficult or expensive to build than the leaky alternatives we are burdened with today. Faced with the lamentable lack of action from central government, local authorities should take an assertive stance on this. Good for health, utility bills and living standards.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

6. Local authorities should introduce policies and measures to enable all homes in Oxford and Oxfordshire to achieve an EPC rating of C or higher by 2035.

Goodall, Chris – Green


Yes, but this is potentially an extraordinarily expensive measure and will need external funding as well.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

If we don’t make it a legal requirement builders and their clients will say they can’t afford it, so we have to make it illegal not to include a minimum of a C rating

7. Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council should introduce policies that support the installation of renewable energy sources.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Solar energy is now cheaper than any other form of electricity and local authorities in places such as Swindon, Warrington and West Berkshire have shown how it is possible to develop effective and inexpensive energy sources. We can copy these places.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

The Councils will have some of the largest potential opportunities

8. Local authorities should use every available mechanism (including the planning system, grants and others), and support and enable innovation, to phase out fossil fuel use across Oxford, including domestic, business and industrial use as well as use in their own buildings and operations.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Both councils should start with their own buildings, helping develop and train the local companies that will be needed for the transition to a low-carbon buildings.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Hull, Mark – Labour


Yes, but not at the cost of creating unaffordable heating for the very poorest homes

9. The creation, protection and restoration of biodiversity and green spaces for all should be a priority for local authorities including the development of a Nature Recovery Network.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

In combination with 15 minute cities, this can provide a huge enhancement to the pleasures of living in Oxford/Oxfordshire

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

10. As Oxfordshire County Council candidate, I support the doubling of tree cover in Oxfordshire by 2045; AND/OR: As Oxford City Council candidate, I support Oxford making a significant contribution to doubling tree cover in Oxfordshire by 2045.

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

Thoughtful increases in tree cover will help retain biodiversity, build climate resilience and improve air quality.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Disgraceful Labour Council agreed loss of so many trees in the Staverton Road development by univ College.

Hull, Mark – Labour

Strongly agree

Oxfordshire will be creating hundreds of thousands of new homes over the next two decades, which will mean the destruction of thousands of trees, bushes and shrubs, so we need to restore some of the carbon balance in southern England.

11. Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council should introduce policies that support the development of a food system which promotes local production and use of agro-ecological methods (ie sustainable farming methods that work with nature).

Goodall, Chris – Green

Strongly agree

People want more local food but cannot get it. We need to push landowners into allocating space to small scale horticulture that will bring inexpensive, fresh and healthy fruit and vegetables into our communities. Getting involved in this as a councillor would be a real pleasure for me.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

Strongly agree

Why not a trail on urban growing using spare office space on Park End Street- grow all herbs for use in Oxford?

Hull, Mark – Labour


Of course we want bio-friendly farming in this County, but I still want to drink imported coffee, chocolate and tea

12. Finally, in 100 words or less, please describe what you plan to contribute to ensuring a green and just recovery in Oxford/ Oxfordshire.

Goodall, Chris – Green

My knowledge lies in increasing the speed of the energy transition. I have detailed knowledge from around the world. I will, of course, see this as my main job as a councillor. But I am also fascinated with the prospects for relocalising food production and look forward enormously to working with local groups on this objective. Thank you for the opportunity to fill in this questionnaire.

Howson, John – Liberal Democrat

If you read my blog at you will find examples of where I advocate all schools moving to non-gas cooking now and use of school playgrounds to generate renewable energy when not being used for their key purpose 99% of the year. Education should lead not lag in working with the next generation for their future. please do not use a USA verification system – we don’t have yellow taxis here

Hull, Mark – Labour

I will champion safer and better cycleways to encourage motorists out of their cars, 5-minute bus services form every Park’n’ride to the City Centre, the JR, and the Headington hospitals, small electric buses in streets more than half a kilometre from an existing bus route, school buses from Park’n’rides to local schools, and frequent electric bus services around the Ring Road from one Park’n’ride to another.